Monday, September 7, 2009

Lifestyle Reform 911 UPDATE!

Checking in on our friend's progress! 9/7/09

Hi Allison, I have been trying to participate in a cleanse to work on my diet. I have lost about 3 pounds at this point.

My work schedule has picked up and I'm not proud to admit that I'm not getting in a lot of excersice. I walked the Dequindre Cut with my friend again today. My goal is to get in a walk every day this weekend.

I went to the chiropractor for my hip. It still gives me grief so I will start looking at new shoes. I am trying to not let work dominate my life but it wins more often than my plan for healthy living.

But I will keep trying everything! Thank you for your continued support.

ASK Specialty Training for Women said...

Dear 911 friend
I am so happy to hear from you. Sounds like life is presenting some frustrating obstacles. Starting back to work after a long summer is no easy task. Be patient with yourself as your routine and schedule takes shape. Most importantly, don't give up! Remember, everyday, even every hour is another wonderful opportunity to begin again. I do have a few suggestions that may help you stay on task with your diet and exercise program. Utilize the hallways, stairs, and sidewalks around your school and at home, a minimum of 10 minutes everyday. On less hectic days increase your walking time to 30 minutes. Get those new shoes soon! Make all your healthy snacks up on the weekend and put them into small containers for traveling. Take them to work and keep a few healthy snacks in the car. This will keep you from overeating later on. Keep a water bottle on your desk and in the car at all times. DRINK IT OFTEN!!! Please make your health and emotional well being a priority! I know you have many people depending on you. You must be feeling your best physically, mentally and emotionally to serve them all well. Women have a difficult time putting their needs before others...but, it is necessary. Please stay in touch each week. Warmly, Allison